Nov/Dec 2018: Posters! BBSP graduate student Marta Cruz Cisneros presented her rotation project on the role of IFN-lambda in antiviral immunity in skin. Undergraduate researcher Leah Gilmore presented her BIOL395 project on developing tools to study vertebrate-specific flaviviruses.
Marta presents her work on the effects of ifn-l on hsv and flavivirus infection in the skin
leah presents her project developing tools to study tamana bat virus,
Nov 2018: Happy 3rd birthday, Lazear Lab! It’s going to be a great year ahead.
October 2018: Congratulations Becca!
becca cassaza presents her work on the effects of interferon lambda during congenital zika virus infection
In a busy week, Becca presented her poster at the NIH IFN-lambda meeting, passed her qualifying exam, and gave her first Virology in Progress seminar. We’re proud to have her as the newest PhD candidate in our lab!
Derek and claire at the Smart program poster session
July 2018: So long to UNC undergrads Tesia and Claire from the SMART Program.
Tesia worked with Cesar to evaluate ZIKV antibody responses to understand the immune mechanisms that protect against ZIKV sexual transmission.
Claire worked with Derek to generate isogenic ZIKV mutants representing variants found in different isolate strains to assess their replication in cell culture and virulence in mice.
July 2018: Derek, Becca, Cesar, and Clayton presented their work at the American Society for Virology Meeting at the University of Maryland:
Derek Carbaugh "Envelope Protein Glycosylation Mediates Zika Virus Infection In Vivo"
Becca Cassazza "The Antiviral Effects of Interferon Lambda at the Maternal-Fetal Interface"
Cesar Lopez "Transplacental IgG Transfer Is Maintained During Maternal Zika Virus Infection"
Clayton Morrison "Zika Virus Inhibits Toll Pathway Signaling in Mosquito Cells"
Cesar, derek, and becca - asv 2018
lazear lab at asv 2018: becca casazza, cesar lopez, helen lazear, derek carbaugh, Melissa mattocks, clayton morrison